Topic #1 5 Secrets that Influence Powerful Campaigns The Role of Trends and Data in Marketing Engaging and executing a successful marketing campaign is not for the faint of heart. It’s more than a super idea. It’s branding, positioning, content, and providing a solution. It can be overwhelming. Before getting started, it is essential to know what appeals to your intended demographic to create a successful marketing campaign. This session will introduce the five secrets to powerful campaigns using data before creating assets and content. You will discover how to market to your demographic, and it will help you create a plan with more marketing success. • Evaluate preferred communications for your demographic • Identify content type that aligns with a targeted group • Improve positioning and marketing success with market intelligence Meeting different demographic & audience levels increases engagement, creates your ideal space, and builds a brand. Learning what clicks with your targeted group helps you increase your relevancy to them and positions you for greater marketing success. Avoid taking too broad a view that hinders the effectiveness of your marketing campaign and social campaign by making decisions that you can carry through from the executive level buy-in to your team. Topic #2 Predicting Success Using Metrics – Social and Digital Creating a successful digital marketing campaign involves managing your metrics. It’s knowing your industry benchmarks and optimizing your efforts. Don’t let your brilliant idea fall short. This session will introduce the three marketing tips for creating more successful results. • Identify the best positions for your content • Measure metrics and be willing to make adjustments to elevate your results • Track and enjoy your success with your metrics It’s critical to measure and monitor your metrics and engagement levels to learn from them and enjoy greater success. Don’t rely on hope – manage your progress and demonstrate your engagement levels. Just as much can be learned from mild results and improving your strategy and tactics for greater success. Teams and clients are energized and impressed with metrics, and results-it gives them confidence in your expertise and increases trust in your relationship.

August 30 @ 15:00
15:00 — 15:45 (45′)

Deborah Hodges