Maintaining API test cases across multiple environments, for different load levels, and types of tests (e.g. smoke, functional, regression) traditionally required separate tests to be written and maintained. Test maintenance is expensive. If you have three lower environments that tests are run for, then you usually have at least three different tests you are trying to keep in sync. If you have a new API added for a microservice, then you have to modify and validate across all three tests at a minimum. If you are running different load levels for build tests versus load tests, for example, that could add additional tests that need to be maintained.
A method of using one API test and modifying it at run time to support multiple environments, types of tests, and load levels and it can run it in an IBM Cloud container as a microservice.
We have developed a method of using one API test and modifying it at run time to support multiple environments, types of tests, and load levels and we can run it in an IBM Cloud container as a microservice.
October 17 @ 16:00
16:00 — 16:45 (45′)
Shailaja Patel