The key challenges in E2E use case scenario testing, are not just about automation and execution, we see it as more of a collaboration challenge across teams, and across job functions. How could we align Product Management, QA, Development, Project Manager, and business stakeholders in conducting the activities of requirements analysis, use case scenario design, test coverage design, test automation, execution, and reporting in a smooth communication is the problem to solve. In this session, he would like to share our experience in building a platform that unified use case scenario design, documentation, automation, execution, and program reporting in one central place.
Takeaways from the talk:
- The audience would learn about the communication & process challenges in end-to-end use case scenario testing and our system design thinking to address the problems. Specifically in
- Design a platform that unified use case scenario design, documentation, automation, execution, and program reporting at one central place
- Design a system for product feature compatibility testing
- Design a system that enables conducting use case testing like writing a book
November 16 @ 13:30
13:30 — 14:15 (45′)
Sidi Zhu