Growing consumer demand and increasing feature sets have pushed the development process to evolve towards increasingly agile ways of working though a lot of testing teams have still retained the waterfall approach of testing once the code is deployed in an environment. Teams still wait for the development to finish and then get it deployed to start testing manually/with automation. End to End testing comes with a lot of fat in execution time, test case management, cost of testing, and uncertainty in making an almost bug-free product at the least.

The industry is moving towards a thought process of enabling a development environment with an inbuilt testing aspect which helps them attain agility in its purest form. Testing teams in the future will definitely have to step up in terms of bringing in awareness, enabling development in writing unit tests, automating development testing, and pivoting as and when needed. This requires a shift in mindset, embracing new tools and practices in testing. In this session, we will talk about what are the main pain points, where the industry is moving towards, how we should approach testing strategy in an agile setup, and how testing teams can enable agile adoption.

Takeaways from the talk:

  • Is “End-to-End testing” stopping organizations from being truly Agile?
  • What is the agile environment really expecting from testing teams?
  • Shift in mindset and practices needed for disintegrated testing before deployment
  • How can a testing team be an enabler in making an organization truly agile?

November 21 @ 09:45
09:45 — 10:30 (45′)

Sujith G