Our belief is that Test coverage, manual or automated, assists with measuring the quality of test cycles from the way it chalks out a determined quantitative assurance.

This assurance, being quantitative, sometimes gives us a false hope that high volume means better quality promise. Another metrics is Percent of Automated Coverage of Manual Tests. That determines how much test coverage is automated testing actually achieving. The common focus on this metric is volume and not how much of the product’s functionality & processes are covered.

Being in this fast-paced agile or ‘customized’ agile world, we need value-based coverage which gives us a cutting edge in these construction cycles.

Value-based coverage emphasizes automation coverage more on the actual product>module>processes/functional flows coverage rather than just the quantity of manual test cases.

October 2 @ 11:40
11:40 — 12:20 (40′)

Priyanka Sharma