Test Automation has moved beyond the hype and differentiation – it’s now hygiene, especially in the age of DevOps and HyperAgile. However, ask any seasoned QA Professional and they can tell you many stories of Automation project failures that we can relate and sympathize with – from not defining the right objectives, having/setting too-high expectations to selecting the wrong tools/frameworks, the points of failure are many.

Ramesh Bommaraju, a Test Architect with Qentelli, has extensive experience in delivering “eventually successful” engagements at multiple enterprises ranging from airlines to fast food restaurant chains.
In this presentation, he will share some valuable lessons learned from his battles in the trenches which can help prevent some of those failures. History should not repeat itself!

October 9 @ 10:00
10:00 — 10:40 (40′)

Ramesh Kumar Bommaraju