Test automation frameworks have evolved over the past recent years to a level introducing new and innovative programming within test automation. The introduction of new frameworks lets QA engineers become better aligned with developers and even be classified as developers in most organizations. A test automation framework can be defined as a set of best practices or rules that define how people go about doing functional and non-functional testing. Often, the software is written to help enforce these best practices in the implementation of test automation. There are cases where this software is written specifically for a single application. This singularity in software is a mistake made in the development of software used as a framework for test automation. In the evaluation of writing software for test automation, the best structure is to first write a generic framework to enforce the best practices of test automation. Next, a generic set of methods and classes should be written for an additional layer of abstraction in the model. Finally, the specifics of test cases and scenarios are written in the implementation of the framework and shared methods. Omission of any of these levels leaves disparities in the test automation causing extra work and possible increases in the risk of test cases that are forgotten. The evolution of test automation frameworks requires that a new approach be taken with the development of the test automation of applications.

August 13 @ 10:00
10:00 — 10:40 (40′)

Dr. John Crunk