Automating web applications can be useful for end-to-end tests and quality assurance in both small and large projects. In particular, web browser automation testing has evolved in recent years, with the introduction of new tools and the innovation of browser engines. Reliable cross-browser testing plays an important role in today’s quality assurance workflows and is essential in many projects. Ultimately, the inclusion of this kind of testing in continuous integration results in much higher quality products, faster release cycles, and better developer experience.

Takeaways from the topic:

  • Key takeaways include the real-world experience and challenges of web application automation through supporting a variety of web browsers, authentication flows, and more. The audience will learn about the latest state of web automation tooling with in-depth examples of how technologies like Playwright and can be configured for the best results. Including optimization techniques and smart ways to approach the testing architecture. In general, this talk is a good introduction to the topic with good technical examples which can help the audience implement similar automation strategies in their own projects.

May 26 @ 11:30
11:30 — 12:15 (45′)

Vlad Filippov