What do we automate and how much coverage is enough? In which technologies do we need to invest? Do we shift left or right? Centralize or decentralize? CI/CD, A/B, TDD, BDD -  in the alphabet jungle of methods, how do we know what is right for us?

Let’s look at how we can answer these questions by not just considering the quality or cost of automation, but all abilities your organization needs to succeed (agility, speed, risk, etc).
We will look at:

  • How automation can enable or limit your go-to-market abilities with practical examples
  • How the concept of ‘best practices is misleading, and you do better seeing your testing as a flexible toolbox to serve different needs
  • How to approach your business experts for the necessary information to formulate a strategy

Takeaways from the topic:

  • Understanding basic models for business strategy (Porter’s Competitive Strategy, Tracey & Wiersema’s Discipline of Market Leaders)
  • Understanding the testing is a key production process that delivers not just on quality but on all abilities needed for success (value delivery, agility, innovation, time to market, cost-effectiveness, etc)
  • Understanding Testing is not a rigid ‘best practice, but a flexible toolbox to determine questions such as: How much testing is enough? How much automation is needed? In which technologies or methods do we need to invest? Do we shift left or right? Centralize or decentralize? CI/CD, A/B, TDD, BDD - in the alphabet jungle, how do you know what is right for you?

October 14 @ 13:15
13:15 — 14:00 (45′)

Martin Ivison