Testing/QA has always been a group effort, but in DevOps, the various roles of a Project/Team are integral to the success of testing in the DevOps framework. From Project Management to Systems Operations and Development, all provide different forms of information that all in combination provide the data needed for the success of DevTestOps. We will first examine briefly what DevTestOps is, how it can be of advantage to the project or company, how to communicate to the different project and company roles to bring them into the DevTestOps framework, and how to make the team effort work for greater coverage.
Takeaways from the topic:
The takeaways from this talk will include what DevTestOps is and the advantages of implementing it, and how to talk to and get information from project or company management, System Administration, and Operations as well as Developers and other QA people in working towards DevTestOps usage.
September 23 @ 11:30
11:30 — 12:15 (45′)
Anastasios Daskalopoulos