Free Webinar: Applying Design Patterns to Test Automation
DATE: April 25, 2019
TIME: 3:00-3:45 PM (GMT-4:00, Eastern Time – New York)
PRESENTER: Brian Le Suer, CEO, Zeenyx Software Inc.

Design patterns are often used in the development of object-oriented software. A design pattern is a description of a commonly occurring problem along with a template for a reusable solution. There are many opportunities to apply design patterns to automated testing to make tests more reusable and easier to maintain. In this webinar, Brian explores the use of design patterns to solve common problems encountered in automated testing including:
– How to handle a response from the target application which may display one, multiple or no dialogs
– How to implement masking in verification
– How to make each tests independent of all other tests in a test suite
– How to implement universal tests
– How to implement a navigation handler to deal with security and other popups that may occur when following links