A continual flow of projects is the only way for a business to survive in these challenging times. An innovative strategy such as Agile Methodology should promote increased productivity with outstanding results. However, without streamlined communication channels, your project could be at risk of failure.What is Agile Methodology?Agile Methodology requires spontaneity, ingenuity and speed. It avoids the lengthy pre-planned itinerary of traditional project management. In a software testing project, the entire schedule is usually fragmented into small modules. At the outset, the final conclusion of the project can be largely undefined. In effect, the system only moves the project forward as each step is completed. Team members have to use initiative and innovation throughout the project. Strong lines of communication are crucial to the success of Agile Methodology, otherwise, the project could become severely confused.
Different Work ScheduleIn a traditional scenario, a project is sketched out in full from the very beginning. The ending is clear, influencing every stage of the process. There’s less need for communication as everyone can see exactly what lies ahead. Agile Methodology presents an exciting format where each day is full of the unexpected. Innovative collaboration could result in the project developing an unforeseen path to the final stage.
Communication In Agile MethodologyThe spontaneity of Agile Methodology means everyone including, team members, management, and clients, needs consistent real-time updates. This contrasts sharply with the traditional format where information is documented for historical sharing. In Agile Methodology, you need to communicate at any given moment. Traditional methods usually consist of well-planned, occasional meetings at various stages of the project. When working to Agile principles, there’s rarely time to plan so far in advance. You need instant opportunities, both in-person and virtually.
Agile Meetings are Sprints not MarathonsLike any athlete, the Agile team member needs a sharp mind that’s ready for action. Sprint meetings are usually a regular event detailing the previous module’s results and organizing the next phase. Sprints are fast with an emphasis on the forthcoming session’s objectives. Time allowances for sprints depend on length, measured in weeks, then doubled. Therefore, a two-week sprint needs a meeting of up to four hours. By contrast, a traditional meeting could last all day.
Scrums for Speed and BrevityAn Agile project must constantly reassess progress and strategy to stay reliably on track for the final goal. Team members achieve highly accurate results through a daily scrum. It’s a type of brainstorming meeting lasting around fifteen minutes and is meant as a swift progress report. Effective communication is vital as scrums can be held at any time. Their very speed means they are most commonly held virtually. It is a practical solution as team members can be in scattered locations, particularly if working remotely from home.
Agile Meetings are Highly OrganisedAgile Methodology can often give traditionalists the impression of haphazard working practices. Yet in reality, every Agile progress report is far from careless. It has to be concise and highly informative. A daily scrum doesn’t allow for meandering presentations. There’s only time for the briefest of communications to get your point across. In addition, problems have to be prioritized in order to complete a phase. Effective communication needs clarity and precision with no room for doubt. It’s why Agile team members are usually chosen for their astute, flexible approach. During sprints and scrums, low-grade information, such as contradictory emails, have to be dismissed at speed. With effective communication, sprints can be reviewed quickly. They can be followed by a brief, retrospective assessment to judge which innovations might have contributed the most to the project.
Final ThoughtsAgile Methodology is ideal for many remote projects, including software development. However, its success is dependent on clear communication amongst every member of the team. Flexibility is a key attribute with scrums that often produce unexpected results. Agile Methodology is providing project managers and team members opportunities to show initiative. When effective communication is at its sharpest, Agile Methodology can bring the most worthwhile results. A project that operates through Agile Methodology is often far more beneficial than one that is conducted through traditional means. Your project’s progress remains sharply in focus throughout. It enables you to cut overall time allowances and costs without sacrificing the integrity of the project.
Author Bio: Seamus Dunne
Source: https://huddle.eurostarsoftwaretesting.com/why-communication-is-so-important-in-the-agile-project-process/